I always get into trouble when asked for my “all time favorite” anything. Cinema Sentries Snob Seven is all about Favorite Science Fiction Films this time… and I had to ponder that one for a while. There are always a lot of movies to chose from and favorite in what sense? And how am I supposed to pick just the one… and so on and so forth.
In the end you just have to go with your gut and that’s what lead me to Blade Runner.

I have one of the cityscapes on the wall at home. I have a t-shirt that reads Nexus 6. I can quote large parts of the dialogue – and I actually use some of the phrases and concepts out of this movie in my everyday, like “Cityspeak” as a description of the bicycle repairman who talked to me in a mixture of Farsi, Danish and English – or telling an acquaintance of mine that he seems to be suffering from “accelerating decrepitude” when he was diagnosed with arthritis.

It’s that thing, that … assimilation into the everyday that made me chose Blade Runner.

You will find my mad rambling at:  Favorite Science Fiction Films
